Wednesday, March 3, 2010


First, we want to apologize to everyone who is still living with snow and lots of unusually bad weather. We are getting our spring flowers about 3 weeks to a month early this year due to unusually good weather. Our hearts go out to you who are having the endless snow and/or rain. Rain and gray skies are our specialties here in Oregon, you know the jokes... slugs, rust, mold and depression. That's us. Normally. Not this year. We wish you the best... spring flowers, birds singing and blue skies... soon!

Eileen and I had a great afternoon together. Creating in the kitchen we call it. We hauled all of our paper, inks, stamps, muslin, glue, scissors, measuring devices, carrots and protein bars out of totes and cupboards. And wow! Did we have fun!

Lots of new, fun things to come. We're saving them as surprises for you to discover as we list them. Big hint.... Friday might be a good time to check.

Even Eileen's wonderful dog Annie just had to watch! She was looking for her favorite animal crackers too I think.

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