We are so honored to have been accepted into the wonderful Farm Chicks Antique Show up in Spokane Washington ! Five of us who produce and participate in shows down here in the Portland/Vancouver area are headed up to Spokane on June 5th for the big show on June 6th and 7th. Last week we started our weekly meeting(s) to prepare our mock-up display. We are so fortunate that one of our members, Linda, has an empty shop space that we can use to set up our complete display to make sure that everything looks just right and fits into our allotted space. I will be showing you that progression as each week passes and the panic builds. We have just designed our price tags, thanks to Eileen and Randy. They turned out really cute. So this week we spent time planning and cutting and distributing tags. Our bags and tissue are ordered and the first load of product for Eileen & I has been delivered to the shop. We have decided on our crazy, eye catching, unforgettable aprons and still have to find the perfect fabric so we can get our sewing machines running.
Of course months of collecting have gone on prior to this week just to build our inventory. We have blogged about one of our "Treasure Hunt Trips" previously. Last Friday Eileen and I went out on an Estate Sale search. It was bleak, nothing but junk. Our next stop on the list took us to an older neighborhood, very narrow road, heavily treed so it was really dark. We rounded a curve in the road and found ourselves in the midst of a police raid surrounding the estate sale! Do we chance it or keep driving?? We aren't that adventurous!! Maybe in high school, but not at my advanced age!! There were 6 police cars and the cops were searching door to door, front and back yards for someone. Hmm-mmm, we missed that sale.
We will continue to show you our progress in preparing for the Farm Chicks sale and actually take you digitally with us to the sale in June. We can use your prayers on this one that all goes well... safely!
Have a great week!
Hi Eileen!
Wow! what a busy lady you have been! Sounds like you are going to have a ball at the Farm Chicks! The tags are adorable. So happy you are doing well. Just wanted to say hello.
Janets Creative Pillows
What fun you are going to have .. do share with us your adventure there.
A police raid ... I think I'd have passed on that yard sale, also.
Great success, lots of fun ...
TTFN ~Marydon
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