Hello faithful bloggers! I am here today to ask for your help. As most of you know, I contracted the H1N1 virus in mid September of last year. For 3 months I battled unknowingly for my life, winning the struggle. I am still now. in the end of January, experiencing overwhelming fatigue and breathing difficulties. Two days ago the original symptoms of "The Pig" returned to my astonishment. They are in a much less intense form, fever very low, and sporadic, sore and swollen throat is already gone, cough persists.
My request begins here.... I have an appointment with a pulmonary specialist on Tuesday at noon. I would like to enter his office with knowledge and detail of this virus. Do any of you have experience with recurrence of this virus and/or continuance of the cough and breathing problems? Any friends or family with these problems? The Dr.s still don't have enough information about this virus to complete treatment, so I would like to be prepared to help!!! Thank you so much! I am more than happy to share whatever I learn.