Eileen and I are naming this the week of the wild animals. And they are wild! Remember this sweet little powder puff of a puppy? The opinions are quickly changing around here. Of course I love her like a child, (sorry Dog Whisperer), and we have a wonderful time together every day ... well almost every day.
This morning I went into the shop for something, it looks like a bomb went off. Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see a SQUIRREL, climbing a window outside. I ran over to bang on the window and realized that the rodent with a fluffy tail was stuck in between the screen and the window. It had chewed a hole through the screen from the inside. The thought of trapping the squirrel with a gloved hand while removing the screen simultaneously was a bit daunting. Ahhh, it's an opening window. A couple cranks and the guy fell out the window and was off and running. It was screaming while I was trying to free it, so of course the great hunter ran in to help. Off we went again, dog hunting in and out, round about all of my stacked china, glass, paint, paper, you name it! Nothing broke!! But is does appear that some kind of battle was fought in that room.
We're not done! My husband and I ended up following each other home tonight after work, his on the golf course and mine with Eileen. OK, it's a tie, no one was working. We decided to go out for cheap Mexican tonight, leaving the dogs outside since they had been banished to the garage with the painters here all day. Nice dinner but no dogs when we got home. They always greet us!! Coyotes, squirrel attack, Eileen brought her Kamikaze mice over, or the deer got mad? We finally found them down by the pool, very animated. Our older dog was obviously cheering on the maniac puppy. We ran down and to our horror, the puppy had chased a squirrel into the box that holds the pool cover. OK, the squirrel is in the box, but Puppy has decided that the only way to get in there is to dig and eat through the pool cover. Which she proceeded to do. The cover is guaranteed not to rip or tear even if a large horse stood on it. They didn't mention 55 pound puppies with the urge to hunt. I'm telling my husband that someday she will be a great watch dog.... Right?!
On to a blissful Wednesday. Who's in charge here anyway??
She sounds like the greatest dog ever. You need a dog like that to keep you on your toes! haha. But I wish I was there watching the crazy squirrel, hunting dog, and screaming Karen duking it out in your craft room. ha!
And MOM! Chloe caught a mouse and put it in the dog food?! What kinds of things are you teaching her? LOVE!
Hi, I just had to stop by to leave you a comment to say what a wonderful blog you have here. Interesting and creative posts, along with great pictures - perfect ! Thank you for sharing them and best wishes.. have a great weekend..
What an awesome story!!Gotta love a Golden...and frankly you have no choice, right?? :)
Girls, you should think about doing our Fall Funky Junk Sisters Show. Check out our website for more details funkyjunksisters.com. Oh, and don't forget to see some of the other vendors at our blog funkyjunksisters.blogspot.com
Linda & Dixie
The Funky Junk Sisters
And here I am reading your blog so I can get sleepy enough to sleep. Yikes! What stories! Keep them coming!
Susie, of The Polka Dot Rose
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