Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Etsy Shop Open, Come for a Visit!

As you know, we work closely with 4 other friends, to produce and particiapte in shows
together. We all have marched through the long hours of crafting in the wee hours of the
morning when our children were small, getting "real" jobs that were too confining for our
crative minds and personalities, always returning to our shows, selling our handcrafts and
now vintage finds. Of course over the years we have all built up huge inventories of fabric,
paint, brushes, wood, wiggle eyes, yarn, embroidery thread, more fabric... does any of this
sound familiar?

Well, most of our husbands aren't too happy with our piles, rooms and storage spaces full
of Stuff! So, our new Stitch 'em Up! site on Etsy will help our little group to sell some of our
exqusite fabrics, beautiful threads, supplies of all kinds... great STUFF! So take a minute or
two and visit us on Etsy, check out our STUFF so we can get out there and buy more
STUFF to share with you!

Have a great week!


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