This coming weekend, you can see the great new things We’ve found since the last time we met. We’ll be at the Portland Expo on July 10th & 11th for the big Palmer/Wirfs show. You can locate our booth outside straight down the isle from the statue located between buildings D & E.
This show is the largest Antique & Collectible Show in the country with 1,400 booths both inside and out. We've been a vendor here for 5 years!
In addition to offering more vintage items for sale than any other show, there are several exhibits that you may enjoy: In the outside selling area, there is a collection of Tear Drop Trailers, those adorable ‘40’s era camping trailers.
Evaluations and identifications are offered all weekend in the Hall E lobby. The show’s experts will examine your item and give you a verbal market evaluation for $5.00 per object, which all proceeds going to the Portland Police’s Food Bank, The Sunshine Division. And lastly, for several hours each day, live bluegrass music will played out on the plaza between Halls E and D.
The hours on Saturday are 9am to 6pm and Sunday from 10am to 5pm. The Expo is located in Portland, Oregon and to get there take exit 306B off I-5 north or south. Adult admission is $7.00 for Saturday and is good for both days. If you wish to come as an Early Admission buyer, that cost is $30 and you are admitted during exhibitor set-up on Friday, the 9th. Outside exhibitors start setting up at 8am and the inside opens at 9am.
Parking at the Expo is $7.00 or at Portland Meadows Horse Race Track for $5.00 (Shuttle provided).
There is food and beverage available but bring your favorite walking shoes. This is a show worth spending some time at. You never know what treasure you’ll end up taking home with you!
See you at the show!