Please join us for shopping with a twist on Friday April 30th 2010 as we present "Blossoms and Blooms"

The beautiful blossoms and blooms of spring refresh my senses and feed my soul. They usher in warmer days of working in the garden, taking tea on the porch with friends, placing fresh cut flowers in vases throughout the house. Both indoors and out, I love to surround myself with blossoms and blooms and all the pleasures of spring.Outside in the garden, my cheery plot of bright red tulips is among the first to bloom. In the middle of their friendly faces, I plant a ceramic plaque with the words "Welcome friends." Spring birds, attracted to the rainbow of colors blooming in my yard, inspire me to add pretty painted birdhouses and wrought iron birdbaths so they'll feel at home.

Blossoms and blooms are flourishing inside the house too. They grow along the edge of the vintage linen tablecloth I put on the table each spring, in carefully placed threads of pink, red and green. A garden of spring flowers decorates the notepaper and envelopes I keep handy on my writing table and floral shaped soaps rest on an antique dish at the edge of the bath. In my china cabinet, dainty roses and buds encircle much treasured, heirloom teacups and plates.

In my bedroom, another spring garden comes to life. French ribbon roses adorn a favorite pillow. Hand built ceramic roses, replace tired and worn drawer pulls on a favorite vanity. A delicate floral pattern dances around the edge of the vintage handkerchief draped over a lamp shade close by the bed. On the bed, a needlepoint pillow displays pink stargazer lilies surrounded by burgundy roses. I'm almost certain the fragrance of spring hangs in the air as I fall asleep each night.Blossoms and blooms, wherever they may be found, are the heralds of a new season – one filled with sunny days, dear friends, vibrant colors and rich musical sounds. In their presence, life seems more beautiful and my soul feels more alive.
Written by: Joyce Lucas,
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