Well now, isn't this a wonderment? We arrived home from visiting our son and his wife for 5 days and found that our master bath toilet had been leaking.... down the walls, through the dining room ceiling, onto the dining room table and finally onto the hardwood floor. The demolition started last Thursday, repair and reconstruction today. Our 26 year old home is biting the dust... and our bank account.

Watch for new projects to come in future postings!

Oh my goodness, looks like you have your work cut out for your. Just what you needed after a nice weekend away.
Oh how awful! There cannot be much worse than that! Well when life gives you a lemons or a leaky toilet I say redecorate!
Wow, I am so sorry you have had this happen to you. I hope it wont take too long to fix. New decorating might be fun? Through it all I hope you have a nice week ahead. Take care, luv, gail
Oh my! Prayers for a quick finish. i have been through repiping in my apartment. I don't like thinking about it. Take care.
Eileen or Karen,
Either way what a lot of work. But oooh la la what a wonderful bathroom you will have when it's remodeled. You must show us progress pix, okay? I could look at your logo for hours, sometimes I barely get to the blog cuz I like your logo so well, lol.
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
Karen, I do not envy the process, but you will have a new bathroom when it's finished! Yay! I can't wait to see the "after" shots... Hope it happens quickly!
Pink hugs, Karen
well, that's one way to get a rennovation done. sorry to hear of your troubles, but you will have fun redecorating, i am sure. chin up!
Hi Eileen,
It's amazing to me how you all do your own house renovations, something we city folks here are so inept of doing. We just call the repair man here! It must be a lot of work, I know!
Hope it gets done soon!
Pei Li
Oh No Eileen! Didn't you need a diningroom re-do??
I'm so sorry you had to face this when you got home!
Mama B
It looks like you have a wonderful project ahead of you. All new decorating plans. Wahooooooo....
Oh My! Your show and tell pictures depicted reality at it's finest. Think positively...now you get to decorate a whole brand new room!
Susie ~The Polka Dot Rose~
Hi Eileen!
Awww...so sorry about the mess. That's the last thing you needed. But hang in there. I bet once it is all repaired and decorated you will have forgotten it ever even happened. Hope the days ahead are filled with sunshine and roses.
Janet's Creative Pillows
Hi Eileen....sorry you are having to deal with plumbing and home repair projects right now. :(
Oh that is awful! But now you have the bathroom of your dreams...k
EEEK Eileen!!! What a greeting you had arriving home!
I'm a true believer that there's always something good that comes with tragedy.. But the only thought that comes to me is the same as Sita and Gail. Being forced to refresh your look is always nice. Good luck with your new project.
EEEK Eileen!!! What a greeting you had arriving home!
I'm a true believer that there's always something good that comes with tragedy.. But the only thought that comes to me is the same as Sita and Gail. Being forced to refresh your look is always nice. Good luck with your new project.
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