You Make My Day Award!
We would like to thank Theresa of Cottage Violets, for this "You Make My Day" award, we thought is was so sweet of her to include us on her list. We have loved getting to know you and becoming fast MMP friends! Please stop by her blog and gorgeous website, she is so talented.
The rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved. So to pass it on and keep the love going.Here are our "Special Ten" that we want to pass along the award to.... Some of them are fairly new to blogging like us and we think that in itself deserves and award! LOL!Click onto the name of their blog to visit, and enjoy what they each have to offer!
Debbie of 2wice Upon A Time. If you haven’t taken a look at this blog, it’s great! Debbie does a great job showing us how to recycle products for our home décor. You inspire us all Debbie, and your such a sweetheart!
Carol of Clutter Bug Studio because you have been an inspiration and a friend right from the beginning! Thank you for always having something uplifting and encouraging to say!
Georgia of Grandma G's. We have the love of vintage textiles in common…aren’t they wonderful. We feel your passion in each of your delightful descriptions. You offer faith and hope to those around you with your determination to move forward.
Brenda of Just A Bed Of Roses. My Utah buddy! You are such a clever gal! I love your blog and I can’t wait to stop by your store on my next trip to Utah! It looks fantastic!
Erica of Meadow Street is one of the most talented individuals I know. Her handcrafted creations are gorgeous! She is one of those artist who has found a niche and consistently turns out “To Die For “products.
Dawn of My Hydrangea Home. You are such a genuine sweet person. We are so glad we are MMP friends! We love your website and style! Be sure and check out her wonderful products!
Trisha of My2Roses. Trisha and her beautiful site has been an inspiration for us right from the start. Thank you for all you do for MMP and your willingness to help others become their best!
Sita of Silver Spoon Scraps for your totally fun creations! We love, love, love what you do! What a great talent! Party on girl!
Pam of Preserve Cottage for always thinking of others. She is a wonderful mentor and so willing to share her expertise! We love all the info you share on your blog!
Oh My goodness, what a surprise! Thank you so much. Pamela
Oh My,
NO, YOU made my day!
Thank you so much for such a nice surprise. Wish you girls were in Chicago with us! Hopefully we will get to meet in September. Have a great week!
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